Learn to airbrush with top make-up artist

I’m very excited that top TV and film make-up artist Jane Fairman Maier is coming to teach a two-day Airbrush Techniques course at Façade Academy on 11-12 April. (If she looks familiar here, you might have already seen her demonstrating her amazing fantasy airbrush effects at the Paradise Jam recently.) For full details – Façade Academy.

Last Façade Academy class before Christmas

Thursday, 17 December – 10am-4pm, Hemel Hempstead, UK End the year with an all-day face-painting work-out in my  Brushwork Skills and Tribals class. Hone your basic strokes and build-up your repertoire of tribal designs ready for the New Year. For full details and booking form, see Façade Academy

Sunday is Face Paint Bootcamp in Belfast

I’m about to pack my brushes and head off to Belfast to be an instructor at Face Paint Bootcamp NI this Sunday (4 October). I’ll be teaching One-Stroke Techniques and Brush Skills. For late availability and details, check out the Bootcamp Facebook Event.