Inspired by Marianne North for the BodyFactory

This year’s BodyFactory event was held at the horticultural wonderland of the Eden Project in St Austell, Cornwall. With this as a backdrop, I couldn’t resist casting my lovely model Laura J Draycon as Marianne North, the amazing Victorian artist and botanist who travelled the world painting hundreds of plant portraits that now hang in a special gallery in Kew Gardens.

BodyFactory 2015 – this weekend at the Eden Project

This coming weekend – 10-11 October – I’m off to BodyFactory 2015, the fabulous biennial British body painting festival that attracts a big international crowd. Body painters, models and photographers all work together to stretch our imaginations and skills. It’s a great chance to to let rip and create something truly special! And I’m really looking forward to exploring the wonders of the visionary Eden Project in St Austell, Cornwall. For more details, BodyFactory 2015.

Mord Sith: a new bodypaint this week

Well, I was contacted by a lovely model Laura J Draycon who asked to be painted as Mord Sith!  Not being of the sci-fi persuasion, I was a little bemused, but Googled it and discovered it might be an excellent challenge. My good friend and colleague Zoe Thornbury-Phillips of and I started early in the morning and 6 hours later we finished… well, in this business you are never finished really!  But we had to stop as I’m sure our gorgeous model had had quite enough. So time for Jamie Brown photographer d’excellence to take over. We are hoping to use the shots, so I’m not going to show the whole thing, but just a few tasters. The important part of this was doing the light and shade and creating 3D effects as much as possible in the time. 🙂  So here are a few small pics taken on my phone showing some of the detail. A while ago, I taught at a University College in Birmingham showing how to create the effect of belts and buckles.  These are a few photos of that work in a step by step.