Jamming in Paradise

Thanks to everyone who came and contributed to this year’s Paradise Jam! And jam-packed it was, too, with painters both face and body, children, demonstrations, traders, nail artists, henna, balloons, glitter, airbrush, hair plaiting – and don’t forget Frankenstein. Once again, the day whizzed by in a colourful blur with so many wonderful designs flowing from the brushes rising to the heights of our theme, Nirvana. Children laughing at our entertainer AJ and an excellent raffle to finish off the day. Nearly 400 people came through the doors, browsed the stands and visited the zoo as well – a great bonus for the accompanying families. All in all, a great way to celebrate the 10th year of the Façade Academy. I hope you’ll be back next year – Monday of the February half-term. And perhaps in 2017 it might even be a two-day event! Check out the Facebook page for more photos and painty chat about the Jam. And thanks, too, Marsha Dunstan at Pinktree for all the lovely photos.

Paradise! Half-term starts on Saturday

I’ll be at Paradise Wildlife Park for the whole of half-term: 13-21 February. I’ll be joined by other members of Team Juliet from 12 noon in our usual spot, opposite the lemurs, every day except Monday, when visitors can join in the fun and have their faces painted the Paradise Jam event in in the big marquee from 12 noon. And you may well meet the next painting generation – my daughter Philly, pictured here with a small Blue Princess. For directions: Paradise Wildlife Park and for more about the Jam, check out the previous post on this page.  

Half-term starts here!

Half-term is almost here and I’ll be at Paradise Wildlife Park every day up until November 1 – including Hallowe’en on Saturday 31 October. I’m opposite the lemurs – but just ask any werewolf, witch or gorgeous goblin along the way! www.pwpark.com

Easter holidays start here!

I’ll be painting at Paradise Wildlife Park (at Broxbourne, Herts) every day now until school goes back. I usually start painting faces around noon – so come and meet the big cats and other animals before choosing whether you want to be transformed into a lion, a leopard or a tiger. Or perhaps you’ll choose painted wings and be a butterfly or bird!