What a weekend! Thursday was learning new skills with Matteo Arfanotti, Friday was an early start painting the lovely Zarah who travelled all the way from Austria to be with us. Saturday saw me entering the Face Painting competition with Jade modelling for me. I did another Art Deco design – fairly simple which could be used on a day to day basis for face painting. Then Sunday was a fantastic project working with Alejandra Guzman to create Ladybird Books under the theme of Literary Classics. Danielle McCormick modelled beautifully. Here are a few pictures to whet your appetite. For more information go to www.paintopia.co.uk . It was also on the news on ITV – follow this link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ef7lzwl8auiwsqn/Anglia%20TV%20News%20Paintopia%202014.mpeg