Juliet Eve

Harlequin Clown Bodypaint - Leisl as my beautiful model!
Harlequin Clown Bodypaint – Leisl as my beautiful model!

On Saturday 8th March I drove to Portishead  to meet up with around 20 other body painters to join in a Jam. Musicians jam together making music, frequently made up at the time and face and body painters do the same!  More often we have a design in our heads, or even sketched out on paper and then we just wing it.

Wendy Fantasia is a brilliant face painter and recently came over from Australia to attend the latest FACE conference held in Milton Keynes, UK.  I managed to persuade her to extend her stay to come with us to Bristol and show us her skills… she did not disappoint!

Lovely lady/mother/model Claire Hindle loves to be painted and also has the nous to organise and book the space, date and food for everyone – no easy task when trying to gather a group of artists! A recipe for fun and success. 🙂

2014-03-08 15.03.11

More pictures will appear on my Facebook page soon. 🙂